Our Aircraft on Ground team is available 24/7
Aircraft on Ground are words dreaded by all in the aviation industry, but at Exodus Aviation, we’re available immediately to get your aircraft back in the air. Our Dedicated Team is available 24/7 via our AOG hotline at 954-995-4407. Email: AOG@exodusaviation.com
Once our team is contacted, you can rest assured that we have the right parts, and supply chain technology to fulfill need. With our team’s experience, our innovative technology we specialize in getting your aircraft back in the air in a timely manner.
Our strategic Fort Lauderdale/Miami location allows us to be able to reach any Global destination in a short amount of time.
At Exodus Aviation we have an extensive amount of parts in our inventory, and we continue to rapidly expand our inventory each week. Through our innovative supply chain technology, we can plan for future AOG situations using preventative analytics.
Our Supply Chain Preventative Analytics software allows us to identify the parts that are mostly used and exchanged on an aircraft.
Preventative Analytics allows us to send units for repair ahead of time. Saving time in crucial AOG situations.
Our dedicated team can ship same day via our courier system. Making sure you get your part in a timely manner.
Easily track your shipment through our innovative AOG app.
Mobile access to view shipments.
Easy access to order parts online.
Traceability documentation Accessed through online portal.
Contact us today for all crucial AOG situations, 24/7 265 days a year.
For online access to our AOG app visit exodusaviatio1.wpengine.com/aogapp